Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Random doodles

I have plenty more where these came from.

Floating mountain


Noah Smush

Alphabet AB

I got my marks back from course yesterday. I'm fairly happy, I got 88% overall, which is pretty decent, really- considering most of my time at course was spent making these doodles. I'm going to go in sometime this week and pick up the work I left behind... so there should be some photos going up soon! Yay!

If you hadn't noticed, Christmas is almost upon us! It always manges to creep up behind me in an attempt to strangle me with a string of fairy lights. But I'll forgive it... so long as they aren't the lights that flash in time to the awful Christmas midi music. That would be unforgivable.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Okay. I've changed my mind. Instead of posting nudes today, I'm going to post the two sessions of portrait drawing we had recently. So your imagination will be getting no exercise from me today, if you were going to follow along with my diving suit suggestion from last post. Lucky you (Chuana).

We've been doing portrait studies in class recently, but they've been quite tough- with only a 20-30 minutes for each one. I understand why, though. I offered to model for one pose. Well, it's not really modelling, is it? I just sat in a chair looking at the wall so people could draw my face- that means I did not take my clothes off. Perverts. (Ahahaha just kidding, you guys are great.) But anyway, it really hurts you neck. Or perhaps I was doing it wrong?

Most of these are kinda unfinished, and odd looking, but I'm sure you'll get the idea!

Week 13

Week 13

Week 14

Week 14

This week is shaping up to be a fairly busy one, as I have to do a group oral presentation, hand in my final drawing and life drawing submissions, go ring shopping with Sandy (heheh) and work on some illustrations, and there's a lot more things I want to do if I can find the time. But, in the ever relevant and fitting words of Arnie,

"I'll be back."

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Movember already?


Wow. Doesn't time fly? It's going to be Christmas before you know it!

In other news, I have less than three weeks of course left for the year! Not that I haven't enjoyed it, but I'll be glad to have a break. I think mum's a bit angry that I'm not working full time over the holidays, but I have other things I'd like to do instead, and I'm looking forwards to it immensely (assuming I don't get kicked out of home like she's been threatening to for the last few years. Naaaaah...)

Also, I owe a bit of an apology to the people coming in search of nude sketches: I've been slack with photographing my work lately, I promise I'll do it this week, okay? And an apology in advance to those certain people *winks* coming in search of anything but naked people: I actually mean my previous promise. If it makes you feel any better though, you can always squint and imagine they are wearing diving suits.

Anyway, love you all! Happy Movember!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Well, you know me...

That's right, I've been busy again. No surprise there. But, instead of apologising, why don't I just show you what I've been up to instead? Will that make you feel better?


Page 2- Fibre

Page 3- Life Drawing

Page 4- Photography

Page 5- 3D Studies

Page 6- Design

Page 7- Drawing A

Page 8- Drawing B

Well, that was rather long, wasn't it? Oops. Oh well. Anywho, what you just scrolled past in order to be reading this is my "portfolio" of work done at course so far this year. Because it was one of our assignments to make said portfolio, I thought I'd do something a little eclectic- since I'm sure I'll be returning there to study next semester. If you know me, this is a big deal. I'm sure you're thinking something along these lines: Whaaat? Kim's making a decision about her study? WTF? There is no way that this is her typing that. IMPOSTOR!!!

But really, it's me. If you want proof, I sound like a primary school teacher when persuaded to read out articles from Cosmo's sealed section, my mother loves her dogs more than she loves me, I'm procrastinating about approx 26.333(recurring) things at the current point in time, and I dance like a whorish albino black chick. Definitely Kimby. So what's with the whole sudden-ability-to-make-a-decision-thing?

I'll let you know when I do.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's my birthday...

That's right, this is a quick post at 2am on the morning of my 19th birthday. Instead of getting drunk like a normal person, I've just changed my blog's colours and background. Good times, right?

Actually, I had been out visiting people, so I guess it's not as sad as it sounds... Hahaha. I should have a busy day ahead of me, even though I'm not having my party today. I'll throw one later, probably after the uni exams are over... You better get ready, guys!

Current Happy Birthday Tally*: 4

Right... I'm going to bed. Please let me know if there's anything that isn't working, and I shall return in the evening with an update on how my day went, and perhaps some photos, if I can.

*not including via text

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ruby, don't take your love to town.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with listening to Kenny Rogers. Honestly. Or else, I wouldn't have chosen this song:

Ruby, dont take your love to town - Kenny Rogers

As the inspiration behind my second photography brief. No way. I just really happen to like this song. And there's nothing wrong with that, is there? Right?

Ok. Moving right along. I just happened to have the perfect location in mind, for this song. And the perfect props. And the perfect model. So, even though I have very little clue as how to use a DSLR, my photos still turned out pretty well, thanks to everything else being so perfect.

Two Dresses



Ruby Slippers


Now, I'd like to thank some people for their contributions to making these photos look good. You guys deserve an award or something.

  • Thankyou Almost Perfectly Abandoned Shed for being unlocked, spooky, and almost perfectly abandoned.
  • Thankyou, Mr Farmer, for saying it was fine after I decided to break into your almost perfectly abandoned shed, and letting me come back anytime.
  • Thankyou, Grandma's wedding dress, for happily being dragged through dirt, dust, and rusted bedsprings without a word of complaint.
  • Thankyou Chuck for being my lovely model at such short notice, being very patient with my rubbish camera skills, and for your excellent serious face... when you weren't laughing at me.
  • Thankyou, inventors of Photoshop, for reasons previously explained in this post.
I would NOT like to thank my spawn-of-the-devil-ish tripod for deciding to somehow loosen itself between every single shot.

I'm sure Kenny Rogers would be ashamed of you.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Holidays are never as long as they should be.

Especially when you only have one week of them. I still have a fair chunk of coursework I really should do before I go back, too. But instead, I've been trawling the interwebs and drawing strange things... which is, admittedly, what I do every holiday. I even started a new sketchbook!

Sketchbook Cover again!

I was rather inspired by Tristan Manco's Street Sketchbook, a look inside the sketchbooks of a whole bunch of contemporary street artists, designers and other interesting folk who make things that are so visually inspiring things that they excite me enough to want describe them all in such depth that you'll get bored and wander off... so I will restrain myself.


Anywho, be expecting a longer post on Monday* when I go back to course, and can get a hold of my photos from my final brief for you to see. Come prepared for Kenny Rodgers.

*Provided that I don't explode from lack of describing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cooking with Photography

This blog will teach you how to make bland, boring photos into a tantalising concoction of visual deliciousness!

Take 6 average photos, such as the ones pictured below. No need to worry if they're undercooked, we can fix that up later.

Walkway 3

Staircase 1

Walkway 1

Add photoshop generously, judging the amount by eye. Watch the colour, it should lighten when nearly done. Flip to get the desired effect.

Red Door Join

Stairs Join

Walkway Join

Most importantly, don't reveal your secret recipe to anyone, or else they will realise that you are no good at photography (or cooking), merely crafty.

Garnish with a pinch of evil laughter.


Monday, September 15, 2008

September Monster Slacker

I realised I forgot to post up my photo of my final fibre arts display, like I said I would. *slaps self on hand* How much more irresponsible can you get? Not posting what I said I was gonna post. I can't be taking this seriously enough. I mean, it's the internet, for goodness sakes!

Killer Heels Display

I just got my marks back today, and I got 90%... ^-^ So that's all good! I'm currently working on my Photography brief, which is due on thursday, so here's hoping I can bluff my way through that one. I really know nothing about photography, trying to learn how to use a D-SLR in 3 weeks is pushing it, I think.

Posted with much love (and need for sleep)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September Slacker

Here's the update I've been promising. I'm not sure what took me so long... Here's a sample of my life drawing from the last 3 weeks.

2, Week 6
10 minute willow charcoal study. I like this one :)

1, Week 6
10 minute black and white compressed charcoal study. I want to kick myself for starting in the center of the page. Why do I always do this?

2, Week 5
Pencil outline study. Sorry it's so faint, you might have to click for a closer look.

1, Week 8
Indian ink and bamboo pen 60 second study. I'm proud of this one hehehe

2, Week 8
Indian ink, pen and wash 10 minute study. I think this is my favourite at the moment.

3, Week 8
Another 15 min ink study. I love the way her face turned out, although it was accidental ^-^; The pen I was using had the tendency to put the ink in the wrong places, hence the overly heavy black shadows on her thigh and tummy.

Well, there you have it! I'm really loving bamboo pens atm, it's so much fun! We're using them in our drawing class too, I'll post up my line excersise drawing when it's finished. I heart lines!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Custom Kicks! With bonus Vans Tutorial

I have been wanting to do this for AGES. Absolutely ages. And I finally had an excuse, thanks to MAKI, who ran a contest to win their new book.

Do you want to know how I made them? Really? You sure? It's top secret stuff... Ok then, here's a little tutorial for you!

Step 1. Draw monsters on paper to see how they look.
Monster smush!
Step 2. Draw monsters on shoes with pencil. Begin painting with fabric paint.
Step 1
Step 3. Paint more.
Step 2, 2
Step 4. And more. Don't give up.
Step 3
Step 5. Outline monsters with fabric marker.
Vans and Fabric paint
Step 6. Set paint with hairdryer.
Step 7. Wear.

I have a bit of a thing with monsters at the moment. I'm going to wear these lots in the future. Vans are so comfy, too! :)

I also have pictures from my final Fibre Art display, and my latest life drawing class, which I'll put up soon. Yay for shoes!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Killer heels part 1!

Okay, so my fibre art project is due this thursday, but I thought I'd put my working photos up anyway.

Shoe backs

Shoes lined up

Here's where it starts getting messy...

Killer heels- working 1

Killer heels- working 2

Killer heels- working 3

Hopefully I'll get it finished in time. In the meantime, I'll be sitting watching paint dry. Woohoo!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well, finally I painted up Spacesick and Fatheed's tee design from Threadless that I took upon myself to make a model of. I just couldn't resist his pink destructiveness long enough to wait for them to print this. And they'd better...

Mishap Monster...

Rawrrrrr! Please remember that the design doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Spacesick and Fatheed, and if it prints, Threadless.

Infamous Mishaps Throughout History - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

If you want to see the original fantastical little guy, click on the link above. You really should. It's so good it will singe your eyelashes and melt your retina. No jokes.

Five Billion Dollah Print Please!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shoes, glorious shoes!

Yesterday, I bought 8 pairs of shoes. Yes, that's right. EIGHT pairs.

3 pairs were from various opportunity shops or thrift stores. They'll be used for my fibre art project.
Too many shoes 3

2 pairs were brand new shoes I'm intending on customising. They're just for practice really, so I got one rubbishy canvas pair, and one leather old lady pair. Pure shexyness.
Too many shoes 1

3 pairs of brand spanking newness were for me. Because I like shoes. And they were cheap. Number One Shoe Warehouse has awesome two for one clearance sales.
Too many shoes 2

The best part of this is that I spent under $50. And that's NZD.
Plus, there's a cookie in it for you if you can guess both the cheapest and most expensive pairs!